

General information about Vienna
Barrier-Free in and around Vienna
BBC Weather Forecast for Vienna
Advent in Vienna – With or without a Bus Access Card of your own – My permit to the city centre is valid 365 days/year!
General information about Vienna
Barrier-Free in and around Vienna
BBC Weather Forecast for Vienna
Advent in Vienna – With or without a Bus Access Card of your own – My permit to the city centre is valid 365 days/year!
i love Vienna.will go for the third time. so many things to see, so many little hidden streets to discover. a town with the soul. the Christmas market is something... read more you must see, hot wine, sausages, treats, sweets, little decorations for your home, something beautiful! Then the Schönbrunn , tiergarten, palace, speechless! For the shopping - Maria Hilfer strasse. …
Mag.a Helga Fülöp | VIENNA FOR YOU e.U.
+43 699 10 75 48 94
Staatlich geprüft. Enthusiastisch. Unterhaltsam. Informativ.
Certified Tourist Guide. Enthusiastic. Entertaining. Revealing.
Visites (dé)branchées. Enthousiastes. Distrayantes. Informatives.
Mag.ª Helga Fülöp | VIENNA FOR YOU e.U.
Wehlistraße 154/2
A-1020 Wien
Telefon: +43 699 1075 48 94
Firmenbuch: FN615886s
UID-Nummer: ATU78980257
GISA-Zahl: 24872911
Gerichtsstand: Wien